Make Someone’s Day

I work at a local hospital in Oregon where I provide data solutions to our medical and administrative staff. What I like most about this work is that the data I provide helps people make decisions or do their jobs better.  I love that!

This week I got an unexpected call from one of the doctors I have been working with recently. She called to tell me that the data I provided was extremely helpful in a project related to her re-credentialing process, and that she appreciated the work I did for her. That call made my day! It felt good to hear from someone that the work I’m doing is helping folks.

Her example got me thinking about the people that are helping me and how I’m doing at expressing appreciation. I was reminded that if I enjoyed getting some kind words of appreciation, that other people would most likely enjoy hearing similar words from me. My awareness to express genuine appreciation has been heightened.

If there are people that have helped you, take a moment to give them a call or send them a note expressing your appreciation. You’ll likely make their day.

Causing Something To Happen

This week we spent a couple of evenings getting together with friends. Each night was a great time filled with laughs, conversation and connection. I had a great time, and I owe it all to my wife.

She is excellent at having an idea, whether it’s getting together with friends or planning a trip, and taking action to cause it to happen. I admire this trait in her. I have often been beneficiary of her drive to bring events like these to life, and I have the great memories to prove it.

My wife’s example reminds me that what often stands in the way of where we are and where we want to be is our own lack of initiative. We don’t have what we’d like because we don’t take steps to cause it to happen.

Be encourage d this week to go out and cause something to happen in your own life.


Lately, a lot of people I know, including myself, have dealt with some kind of medical issue within their family. There’s also a lot going on in the world that causes anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. While all these things can leave a person feeling overwhelmed, what they leave me feeling is a longing for heaven.

As a Christian, (don’t worry, no preaching!) when the world feels heavy, I take comfort in Jesus’ words where he tells us that:

  • He is preparing a place for us and is coming back for us.  ~John 14:3
  • In this world we will have trouble but not to fear, because he has overcome the world.  ~John 16:33

Longing for heaven doesn’t mean that I’m ready to give up my pulse anytime soon! Rather, it means that no matter what I face on Earth, Jesus has overcome it and will walk through it with me. He has also taken care of me when my time on Earth is up. My eternity is secure and that gives me peace in comfort during whatever trials I face.

Time’s Up For Regret

“Regret of neglected opportunity is the worst hell that a living soul can inhabit. “

~Rafael Sabatini

What is that one thing you’ve always wanted to do but you’ve been too afraid to try, or just haven’t gotten around to doing it yet?

In light of the tragic shootings that have occurred in the US this week, I’m reminded that our time, and the time of those we love, could be up at any moment.  With this in mind, let’s commit to doing those things we’ve always wanted to do, to saying those things we know we should say, and to being the people we know we want to be.  Let’s not be left with regret, or leave regret behind, when our time is finally up.

Gaining Knowledge

For the past several weeks I’ve had this mole in my back yard that has been making a mess of my lawn. He’s dug tunnels all over and has infuriated me with dozens of mounds of dirt that have “magically” shown up day after day. In an effort to get rid of him, I cleared out a couple of the mounds he dug and threw some smoke bombs in there. When the smoke cleared (as it were) the only things left were another mound and of dirt and an increasingly frustrated homeowner.

I realized that smoke wasn’t going to cut it, and that I needed to gain some knowledge if I was to defeat my yard-destroying adversary. So, I spent some time online learning about moles. I learned what moles like to eat, how to identify active mole tunnels in the yard, how to trap moles, what kind of trap to buy, where to place it, and how to set it. After some failed attempts, each of which resulted in additional knowledge, I finally caught the little bugger! (He was actually bigger than I thought!)

Aside from ridding my yard of this pesky intruder, what I especially enjoyed about the experience was that process of learning new skills, putting them into practice, and seeing positive results. It’s amazing to me how easy it is to gain and apply new knowledge in order to help solve a problem or find a solution. We don’t have to stay ignorant. We just have to spend the time to gain the knowledge we need and then put in into practice.

The next time you feel stuck or uncertain how to move forward, spend some time seeking knowledge about the dilemma you face. Then, once armed with the know knowledge, apply it!

It feels good to move from being ignorant and overwhelmed to being knowledgeable and able confident in your ability to apply it.

A little knowledge makes all the difference!