We Choose

We get to choose how we behave.  We choose how we conduct ourselves, the words we use, our attitude and our outlook.  Ultimately, all these choices we make form us into the people we become and the lives we create.

While it’s easy to say that, “They made me…” or “I just can’t help it”, or any other lame derivative of those statements, remember that we ultimately choose how we behave.

What kind of choices are you making?

Capture It

I had a great idea for a topic to write about in this week’s post!  The idea just popped into my head as I was getting ready Thursday morning, and I was eager to tease it out later in the day.  When I sat down to recall the topic, it wasn’t there.  Like a vapor, the idea seemed to leave my head as mysteriously as it showed up. 

I love the comment “Your head is a great place for having ideas, but it’s a lousy place for storing them”.  What I should have done on Thursday morning, was to take 15 seconds to jot the idea down.  I didn’t need to write the whole post, this the highlights.  Enough for a good mental trigger, to remind me of the idea when it was time to sit down and write.  Fortunately, there will be other opportunities to do likewise!

Does your mind supply you with good thoughts and ideas you want to remember for later?  If so, I encourage you to capture them when they occur.  How you capture it isn’t important; in a journal, on a scrap of paper, digitally on your phone or computer, it really doesn’t matter.  The important point is to capture the idea in the moment, so you have it when you need it. 

Having Each Other’s Back

Last weekend as I was leaving the grocery store, I saw a man in the parking lot who had locked his key in his car, and was trying to retrieve them through his partially opened window.  From what I saw, it was obvious that he wasn’t going to be successful.

I then noticed another person, who had also seen what was going on, walk up to the guy’s car and offer to help.  This person apparently had smaller arms than the owner of the car, because they were able to rather quickly retrieve the keys from the car.  Apparently, the car owner’s dog was also locked in the car, so I’m sure the dog was as happy to be set free as the owner was to have his keys!

Although this may seem to be a small act, I’ll bet the owner of the car didn’t think it was. 

Let’s be on the lookout for simple ways we can “have someone’s back” who needs assistance.  If we were in a similar situation, wouldn’t we want someone to have ours?

Cause It To Happen

By the time this blog is posted, I’ll be back from a trip to the San Juan islands in Washington state.  This is some place we’ve wanted to go for many years, but other destinations have always taken priority.  This year however, we decided to make it a priority and pay a visit. 

I’m amazed by how many cool places are in our back yard (relatively speaking) that we haven’t seen yet.  I’m also amazed how easily these places can be deprioritized simply because they are so close.  Like most things, it takes intention to actually get to them. 

Is there anything that is relatively close to you (geographically or otherwise) that you’d like to experience that you haven’t yet?  Perhaps now is the time to cause it to happen.